Pronouncing My Name

3 minute read


Three days ago I made a post about the meaning of my names.
This post now would be how to pronounce those my names. I actually recorded these clips the day I was writing the meaning of my names post. This post was meant to be created the same day too.
Well… I got busy with domestic chores.

Disclaimer: The audio used here were pronounced by me, and for the audio files, I have full copyright of the pronunciation made by me in the audio I made. If you would want to use my particular audio, just tell me.

Single Name

This is a collection of both my first name and last name, without combining both of them

How to Pronounce Emeka..

Emeka is pronounced like this: E - me - ka. You can listen to the audio below for help

How to Pronounce Chukwuemeka..

Chukwuemeka is pronounced like this: Chuu - ku - e - me - ka. You can listen to the audio below for help

How to Pronounce Chukwuemekalum..

Chukwuemekalum is pronounced like this: Chuu - ku - e - me - ka - lum. You can listen to the audio below for help

How to Pronounce Chiemelu..

Chiemelu is pronounced like this: Chi - e - me - lu. You can listen to the audio below for help

Together With Surname

This is a collection of my first name or other name and my last name.

How to Pronounce Emeka Chiemelu..

Emeka Chiemelu is pronounced like this: E - me - ka - Chi - e - me - lu. You can listen to the audio below for help

How to Pronounce Chukwuemeka Chiemelu..

Chukwuemeka Chiemelu is pronounced like this: Chuu - ku - e - me - ka - Chi - e - me - lu. You can listen to the audio below for help

How to Pronounce Chukwuemekalum Chiemelu..

Chukwuemekalum Chiemelu is pronounced like this: Chuu - ku - e - me - ka - lum - Chi - e - me - lu. You can listen to the audio below for help

Bonus: How to Pronounce Daniel Chiemelu..

You can listen to the audio below for help

Bonus: How to Pronounce My Fullname..

For staying to the end, here’s how to pronounce Chukwuemekalum Daniel Chiemelu as a whole.
You can listen to the audio below for help


There you have it. That’s how to pronounce my name.

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