Laravel: Route
What is Routing?Permalink
Routing is simply forwarding the requests made or received to their respective actions or functions.
A simply route function
Route::get('/', function () {
return "Hi";
The example above is a route using get method, and get method requires the route itself (parameter), then the action. The basic action is usually a closure function, and we returned a string.
Route GroupingPermalink
This one facinated me, as it was not covered on my first course in Laravel, so its a new perk for me.
What is Route Grouping?Permalink
Route grouping is just wrapping related routes parameter into a single group. Example speaks better than words..
Take for instance, instead of doing this:
Route::get('/customer', function() {
return 'Home';
Route::get('/customer/create', function() {
return 'create';
We can do this instead.
Route::group(['prefix' => 'customer'], function() {
Route::get('/', function() {
return 'Home';
Route::get('create', function() {
return 'create';
Route grouping is not faster per se, but it just organizes your code in a readable format.
Route FallbackPermalink
Have you ever visited a broken link and you saw an error 404 page not found? Thats the concept Route Fallback is talking about. It just throws something when a broken link or a non-existing page request was made.
Simply Route fallback:
Route::fallback(function() {
return "Route does not exist";
That would be all for the beginning of Routing, I look forward in seeing what Laravel has in stock.
See you next time I get the opportunity to continue my course.
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